Renting Furniture in Ontario: Buyer Beware


renting furnitureThe time has come; you’ve finally decided to acknowledge that your shabby old couch or outdated dining room table just don’t seem to match you style (or anything for that matter), and so, it is time to retire those pieces and refresh your look with something new. But wait – your credit is less than stellar and you know that that new sofa is not going to come cheap.

If you have ever had a need to acquire new furniture but you have problems with credit, you may be thinking that those furniture rental stores present a very attractive option. Or, perhaps you went to a major big box furniture store to obtain the no interest financing on furniture and were rejected – leading you to think that the only option left is to rent your furniture.

Well, our advice is simple: buyer beware. While the idea of the shiny new furniture and easy rental process may seem appealing – the end cost to you will be far greater than the value of anything you have rented, and it is not yours unless you have paid exorbitant fees for the long terms that these companies set-out.

No interest furniture financing and renting furniture are not your only options. Here are some tips:

  • Used furniture stores: Stores like Goodwill and Value Village often have really great stuff! Don’t be too proud to go and take a look. You may find many items that you can purchase outright at a fraction on the cost of rented furniture!
  • Take to the internet: Another great way to get excellent deals on good stuff is online. Social media sites like Facebook offer buy and sell groups where you can find lightly used furniture at great prices. Sites like Kijiji are also popular platforms for people who are selling their furniture.
  • Look for other financing: Just because the furniture store couldn’t get you no interest financing doesn’t mean that financing is not an option. There are many lenders who offer financing to people who have had bad credit in the past – even folks who are undischarged in bankruptcy or are in the middle of proposals. These lenders will be far cheaper than renting your furniture.

With so many options, one should not jump to the least desirable and most expensive out of convenience and desperation. Taking your time to really consider your options will save you big time!!! Call Prudent Financial today to find out why these options are way more attractive, both long and short term: 1-888-852-7647.




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