Looking for a Payday Loan Alternative? You are in the right place! We help people who have problem credit with fast easy loans that actually report to the credit report! Stop paying sky high interest!! Call Prudent today at 1.888.852.7647.
Looking for a Payday Loan Alternative? You are in the right place! We help people who have problem credit with fast easy loans that actually report to the credit report! Stop paying sky high interest!! Call Prudent today at 1.888.852.7647.
FSCO Lic. #12059)
Minimum and Max period for a Prudent loan repayment is 6 - 48 months.
Maximum annual percentage rate (APR), which includes the interest rate plus fees and other costs for a year - from 19.99% to 34.99% maximum (effective rate will vary).
A representative example of a Prudent loan – How is it broken down with all applicable fees
A typical $1,000.00 loan, paid off over a 12 month period borrows an amount of $1,020.00 which includes the $20 credit application fee. Total cost is $231.94. Payment is $104.33. This does not include optional life insurance.
*Rates vary according to credit risks but at all times compliant with all applicable legislation and
In some situations some security may be required.
Approval times are based on optimal situation – customer has all documents and extensive verification is not required.
Questions? We pioneered the Responsible Lender Pledge. Call us anytime and we’ll be happy to discuss your loan and what fees may be involved depending on your particular circumstances.