Posts by admin
What Exactly is a “Bad Credit Loan” and Why do People Get Them?
You may have heard the terms personal loan, line of credit, credit card and are familiar with these credit products, but as of late you may have also heard the term ‘bad credit loan’. What exactly is a bad credit loan and why do people get them? A bad credit loan is one that is…
Read MoreSmart Money Club: Saving Money at Home During March Break
March Break is almost upon us, and that means the kids will be home and looking to be entertained. For some families this may mean a vacation away or a week filled with daily activities. However, if you are more concerned with saving money than shelling it out, we’ve got some ideas to help with…
Read MoreGetting a Loan with Bad Credit Without Breaking the Bank
When your credit is great, getting a loan can be a breeze, but when things are not in tip-top shape credit-wise, you may just be finding things a little tougher than you’d like. If you’ve found yourself in a position where you need a loan but your credit is making it difficult, check out…
Read MoreSmart Money Club: How to Rebuild Credit Quickly
If you are finding it hard to obtain credit products or are worried that your credit report and credit score may not be up to par, you may be wondering what you can do to make things better. If you’re wondering how to rebuild your credit quickly, we can help. Here are some steps to…
Read MoreSmart Money Club: How to Build a Strong Budget and Find Extra Cash Flow
It is time to get saving! Have you looked at your budget recently? Do you even have one? Saving money and keeping finances on track is a great way to prepare for the future and mitigate any unforeseen expenses. We know that people take in information in a variety of ways, so this week we…
Read MoreHow to Take Out Your Valentine on a Budget
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and for some of us that can mean shelling out big bucks to take that special person in your life on a fantastic date. However, if you are trying to save money or just don’t have the cash to spend big, we can help. Check out this video…
Read MoreWill Filing a Consumer Proposal in Ontario Destroy My Credit?
Okay, you’ve found yourself in a bit of a financial pickle. Monthly bill payments are piling up and you can’t seem to pay each one, on time. Perhaps you are hoping that things will just work out, or maybe you’re realizing that you need a little extra help. Maybe that extra help is a consumer…
Read MoreThe Inside Scoop on Declaring Bankruptcy in Canada
When you are struggling to make ends meet, can’t make regular bill payments, or are opting to pay one bill over another just to get by, it may be time to consider some options are far as getting out of debt. Bankruptcy has become a popular option for those Canadians who’ve found themselves in over…
Read MoreSmart Money Club: New Year’s Resolution = Tips for Saving Money at Home
We are well into 2016 now, and if your New Year’s resolution revolved around saving money at home, we hope things have gone well so far! If they have, awesome, but if you’re having a little trouble, we’ve compiled a list of a bunch of ways to help you save money at home, easily! Tips…
Read MoreWhat to do When Applying for Personal Loan Financing but Everyone Says NO!
This month we’ve been focussing on achieving a fresh start for 2016, and this week is no different. We know that many individuals set a goal to spruce up their finances as a resolution for the New Year, and that is great. What isn’t great is when you are applying for personal loan financing to…
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