The holiday season is full of fun and festivities, but if you’re not careful it can be full of something else, too — bills.

Holiday debt piles up as quickly as the snow on the lawn (sometimes quicker!). Between the presents and the decorations and the travel and the parties you could be entering the New Year significantly lighter in your wallet than you started the month.

Whether the incoming bills are already stressing you out or you’ve been putting off shopping because you don’t have the funds, there is a solution: a holiday loan.

With a same-day cash loan from Prudent Financial, you can ease your holiday spending while continuing to spread the cheer. If you own your car, own your home, or own another asset, you could be eligible!

With this holiday loan, you could:

  • Start dealing with holiday debt early.

When you charge holiday expenses to your credit cards, you might not receive the bill until January – and then you get a big surprise, with interest. When you don’t pay your credit card bill in full, that interest keeps being added to the total. If you only pay the minimum balance you might find yourself still paying off 2019’s holiday expenses in December of 2020!

With a same-day cash loan from Prudent, however, you receive a fixed interest rate over a fixed payment term, so you will know exactly what you have to pay and when you have to pay it. No surprises and no fuss.

  • Spend a little more over the holidays.

Whether you’ve hit recent financial trouble — like job loss or a bankruptcy — or didn’t receive a holiday bonus this year, you might have some high-ticket items in mind you’d like to purchase but don’t have the funds available in your bank account.

With a same-day cash loan, you can get the money now and pay the purchase off at a fixed rate over a fixed term.

  • Build your credit score.

Start your New Year’s resolution to fix your credit early! Prudent loans report to the Canadian credit bureaus, so as you pay it back on time and in full you could improve your credit score.

All Prudent Financial Services loans are open and repayable at any time with no upfront fees. See if you’re eligible today and make this holiday a stress-free season, at least when it comes to your finances!

Call 1-888-852-7647 or visit

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